Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Broken Airtable

One broken airtable, a couple of bruised thumbs, and numerous sore biceps later - we’re finally moved in. The big move that we have been anticipating for 6 months is finally over. Bass’s PI and my PI decided more than a year ago (before either one of us joined the lab) that they wanted to move in together. There was a vision of a lab where scientific ideas and experimental creativity floated free; graduate students would be inspired to work harder and the PIs would be happy together because they are bosom buddies, scientific soulmates… Maybe it will still happen, but right now – its really just a big mess. With boxes and cables and tools and various electronic parts scattered around the lab, being able to find anything is a feat in itself – I always have the accomplished feeling of having conquered a small country after locating the exact size and type of screw that I needed.
I’ve been distracted by trying to put together my rig and an in vivo setup, along with analyzing data collected right before the move. I haven’t done experiments in more than two weeks, and I’m starting to feel unsettled and a little out of sorts.
In addition to all the chaos that naturally come with two labs moving in together – there is the added “bonus” for me and Bass in that now we have to face each other day in and day out… in and out of lab. This might turn into an interesting and potentially not so humorous situation. We shall see…